Christian Conservative’s Toolkit Book Bundle - Arm yourself with the truth and understand exactly how faith and a return to nationalist-populism is changing the world for the better. The perfect addition to your personal library.
The Return of Christendom: Demography, Politics, and the Coming Christian Majority by Dr. Steve Turley
The New Nationalism: How the Populist Right is Defeating Globalism and Awakening a New Political Order by Dr. Steve Turley
The Triumph of Tradition: How the Resurgence of Religion is Reawakening a Conservative World by Dr. Steve Turleyy
President Trump and Our Post-Secular Future: How the 2016 Election Signals the Dawning of a Conservative Nationalist Age by Dr. Steve Turley
Uprising: How the Yellow Vest Protests are Changing France and Overturning the World Order by Dr. Steve Turley
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